Step Argument Conversions

Step definitions can use parameters to make them reusable for similar steps. The parameters are taken from either the step’s text or from the values in additional examples. These arguments are provided as either strings or Reqnroll.DataTable instances.

To avoid cumbersome conversions in the step binding methods, Reqnroll can perform an automatic conversion from the arguments to the parameter type in the binding method. All conversions are performed using the culture of the feature file, unless the binding setting of the language section is defined in your reqnroll.json configuration file (see Feature Language). The following conversions can be performed by Reqnroll (in the following precedence):

  • no conversion, if the argument is an instance of the parameter type (e.g. the parameter type is object or string)

  • step argument transformation

  • standard conversion

Step Argument Transformation

Step argument transformations can be used to apply a custom conversion step to the arguments in step definitions. The step argument transformation is a method that converts from text (specified by a regular expression) or a DataTable instance to an arbitrary .NET type.

A step argument transformation is used to convert an argument if:

  • The return type of the transformation is the same as the parameter type

  • The regular expression (if specified) matches the original (string) argument


If multiple matching transformation are available, a warning is output in the trace and the first transformation is used.

The following example transforms a relative period of time (in 3 days) into a DateTime structure.

C# File
public class Transforms
   [StepArgumentTransformation(@"in (\d+) days?")]
   public DateTime InXDaysTransform(int days)
      return DateTime.Today.AddDays(days);

The following example transforms any string input (no regex provided) into an XmlDocument.

C# File
public class Transforms
    public XmlDocument XmlTransform(string xml)
       XmlDocument result = new XmlDocument();
       return result;

The following example transforms a table argument into a list of Book entities (using the Reqnroll Assist Helpers).

C# File
public class Transforms
    public IEnumerable<Book> BooksTransform(DataTable booksTable)
       return booksTable.CreateSet<Books>();

Standard Conversion

A standard conversion is performed by Reqnroll in the following cases:

  • The argument can be converted to the parameter type using Convert.ChangeType()

  • The parameter type is an enum type and the (string) argument is an enum value

  • The parameter type is Guid and the argument contains a full GUID string or a GUID string prefix. In the latter case, the value is filled with trailing zeroes.