Castle Windsor


Reqnroll plugin for using Castle Windsor as a dependency injection framework for step definitions.


Currently supports Castle Windsor v5.0.1 or above

Step by step walkthrough of using Reqnroll.Windsor

1. Install plugin

- Install plugin from NuGet into your Reqnroll project.

PM> Install-Package Reqnroll.Windsor

2. Create static method

- Create a static method somewhere in the Reqnroll project

(Recommended to put it into the Support folder) that returns a Windsor IWindsorContainer and tag it with the [ScenarioDependencies] attribute.

- Configure your dependencies for the scenario execution within the method.

- All your binding classes are automatically registered, including ScenarioContext etc.

3. Sample dependency builder method

- A typical dependency builder method probably looks like this:

public static IWindsorContainer CreateContainer()
  var container = new WindsorContainer();

  //TODO: add customizations, stubs required for testing

  return container;

4. Reusing a container

- To re-use a container between scenarios, try the following:

Your shared services will be resolved from the root container, while scoped objects such as ScenarioContext will be resolved from the new container.

public static IWindsorContainer CreateContainer()
  var container = new WindsorContainer();
  container.Parent = sharedRootContainer;

  return container;

5. Customize binding behavior

- To customize binding behavior, use the following:

Default behavior is to auto-register bindings. To manually register these during CreateContainer you can use the following attribute:

[ScenarioDependencies(AutoRegisterBindings = false)]
public static IWindsorContainer CreateContainer()
    // Register your bindings here