Executing Reqnroll Scenarios

Reqnroll generates executable tests from the scenarios defined in feature files. In order to execute these tests you can use your usual test execution tools.

Executing scenarios from console

From the console, you can use the dotnet test command.

  1. Open a console

  2. Change the current directory to the folder of your Reqnroll project (where the .csproj file is located)

  3. Invoke dotnet test

> dotnet test
  Determining projects to restore...
  All projects are up-to-date for restore.
Starting test execution, please wait...
Passed! - Failed: 0, Passed: 1, Skipped: 0, Total: 1, Duration: 76 ms - MyReqnrollProject.dll


Running the dotnet test command automatically restores the dependencies and builds your project by default.

On Windows the test execution is also possible using the vstest.console.exe tool. For that, make sure you use a Developer Command Prompt.

Developer Command Prompt
> vstest.console.exe .\bin\Debug\net8.0\MyReqnrollProject.dll

Executing scenarios from Visual Studio

Visual Studio contains a built-in test execution feature that can also be used for executing Reqnroll scenarios as well. In addition to that, other test execution tools, like ReSharper or NCrunch can also be used.

  1. From the Test menu, choose the Test Explorer command. The Test Explorer tool window will open.

  2. Wait until the tests are listed in the Test Explorer window. You might need to build your project first.

  3. Locate the scenario you would like execute and invoke Run from the context menu. You can also use the Run All Tests In View button from the Test Explorer toolbar.


Running the tests from the Test Explorer window will automatically save your files and build your project before executing the tests.