Executing Specific Scenarios

Executing a subset or only specific scenarios might be important locally and on the build pipeline.

Reqnroll converts the tags in your feature files to test case categories:

  • NUnit: Category or TestCategory

  • MSTest: TestCategory

  • xUnit: Trait (similar functionality, Reqnroll will insert a Trait attribute with Category name)

This category can be used to filter the test execution in your build pipeline.


Incorrect filter can lead to no test getting executed.

You don’t have to include the @ prefix in the filter expression.

Learn more about the filters in Microsoft’s official documentation.


All the examples here are using TestCategory, but if you are using xUnit then you should use Category instead.

How to use the filters

Below are 2 scenarios where one of them has a tag: @done, and the other one does not have a tag.

Feature File
Feature: Breakfast

Scenario: Eating cucumbers
  Given there are 12 cucumbers
  When I eat 5 cucumbers
  Then I should have 7 cucumbers

Scenario: Use all the sugar
  Given there is some sugar in the cup
  When I put all the sugar to my coffee
  Then the cup is empty

If we would like to run only the scenario with @done tag, then the filter should look like:


Below are 2 scenarios where one of them has a tag: @done, and the other one has @automated.

Feature File
Feature: Breakfast

Scenario: Eating cucumbers
  Given there are 12 cucumbers
  When I eat 5 cucumbers
  Then I should have 7 cucumbers

Scenario: Use all the sugar
  Given there is some sugar in the cup
  When I put all the sugar to my coffee
  Then the cup is empty

If we would like to run scenarios which have either @done or @automated:


Below are 2 scenarios where one of them has a tag: @done, and the other one has @automated. There is also a @US123 tag at Feature level.

Feature File
Feature: Breakfast

Scenario: Eating cucumbers
  Given there are 12 cucumbers
  When I eat 5 cucumbers
  Then I should have 7 cucumbers

Scenario: Use all the sugar
  Given there is some sugar in the cup
  When I put all the sugar to my coffee
  Then the cup is empty

If we would like to run only those scenarios, which have both @US123 and @done:


Below are 2 scenarios where one of them has two tags: @done and @important. There is another scenario, which has the @automated tag, and there is a @us123 tag at Feature level.

Feature File
Feature: Breakfast

@done @important
Scenario: Eating cucumbers
  Given there are 12 cucumbers
  When I eat 5 cucumbers
  Then I should have 7 cucumbers

Scenario: Use all the sugar
  Given there is some sugar in the cup
  When I put all the sugar to my coffee
  Then the cup is empty

If we would like to run only those scenarios, which have both @done and @important:


dotnet test

Use the --filter command-line option:

dotnet test --filter TestCategory=done
dotnet test --filter "TestCategory=us123&TestCategory=done"
dotnet test --filter "TestCategory=done|TestCategory=automated"


Use the /TestCaseFilter command-line option:

vstest.console.exe "C:\Temp\BookShop.AcceptanceTests.dll" /TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory=done"
vstest.console.exe "C:\Temp\BookShop.AcceptanceTests.dll" /TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory=us123&TestCategory=done"
vstest.console.exe "C:\Temp\BookShop.AcceptanceTests.dll" /TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory=done|TestCategory=automated"

Azure DevOps - Visual Studio Test task

The filter expression should be provided in the “Test filter criteria” setting in the Visual Studio Test task:

Visual Studio Test task

Visual Studio Test task

Azure DevOps - .NET Core task

Alternatively you could use the dotnet task (DotNetCoreCLI) to run your tests. This works on all kinds of build agents:

- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
  displayName: 'dotnet test'
    command: test
    projects: 'BookShop.AcceptanceTests'
    arguments: '--filter "TestCategory=done"'
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
  displayName: 'dotnet test'
    command: test
    projects: 'BookShop.AcceptanceTests'
    arguments: '--filter "TestCategory=us123&TestCategory=done"'